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Saunas vs. Infrared Saunas: Discover the Benefits with Castle & Cabana

Saunas vs. Infrared Saunas: Discover the Benefits with Castle & Cabana

At Castle & Cabana, we understand the importance of wellness and relaxation in your everyday life. Saunas have long been cherished for their health benefits and soothing properties, but a newer contender has entered the scene: the infrared sauna. In this blog, we will compare traditional saunas and infrared saunas, highlighting their unique benefits to help you make an informed choice for your home wellness sanctuary.

Traditional Saunas: The Classic Wellness Retreat

How They Work Traditional saunas use a heat source, such as electric or wood-burning heaters, to warm the air inside the sauna room. This heat, typically between 150°F and 195°F, raises the body's core temperature, inducing sweat and promoting relaxation.

Benefits of Traditional Saunas

  1. Detoxification

    • The high heat of traditional saunas promotes sweating, which helps flush toxins from the body. This detoxifying effect can enhance overall health and well-being.
  2. Improved Circulation

    • The heat causes blood vessels to dilate, improving circulation and delivering more oxygen and nutrients to tissues. This can aid in muscle recovery and reduce inflammation.
  3. Stress Relief

    • The soothing heat provides a tranquil environment, helping to reduce stress and promote mental clarity. Regular sauna use can also improve sleep quality.
  4. Respiratory Benefits

    • The hot, dry air in traditional saunas can help clear congestion and improve respiratory function, making it beneficial for individuals with asthma or allergies.

Infrared Saunas: The Modern Wellness Innovation

How They Work Infrared saunas use infrared heaters to emit infrared light, which is absorbed by the skin. Unlike traditional saunas, they heat the body directly without significantly warming the air. Infrared saunas operate at lower temperatures, typically between 120°F and 140°F.

Benefits of Infrared Saunas

  1. Deeper Penetration

    • Infrared light penetrates deeper into the skin and tissues, which can result in more effective detoxification and pain relief. This makes infrared saunas ideal for targeting sore muscles and joints.
  2. Lower Temperature

    • The lower operating temperature of infrared saunas is more tolerable for many people, especially those who find traditional saunas too intense. This makes it easier to enjoy longer sessions.
  3. Increased Caloric Burn

    • The infrared heat can raise your core body temperature more effectively, which may boost metabolism and increase the number of calories burned during a session.
  4. Skin Health

    • Infrared saunas can improve skin tone and elasticity by promoting collagen production and enhancing circulation. Regular use can result in healthier, glowing skin.

Which Sauna is Right for You?

Consider Your Preferences and Health Goals

  • For Detoxification and Circulation: Both traditional and infrared saunas offer excellent detoxification and circulation benefits. However, if you prefer a gentler heat, an infrared sauna might be the better choice.

  • For Pain Relief and Muscle Recovery: Infrared saunas are particularly effective at penetrating deep into muscles and joints, making them ideal for athletes or individuals with chronic pain conditions.

  • For Stress Relief and Relaxation: Traditional saunas provide a classic sauna experience with higher temperatures, which some people find more relaxing. If you enjoy the intense heat and the ritual of traditional saunas, this might be the best option.

  • For Skin Health and Caloric Burn: Infrared saunas have added benefits for skin health and can help boost metabolism, making them a great choice for those focused on these specific wellness goals.


At Castle & Cabana, we offer a range of both traditional and infrared saunas to suit your unique wellness needs. Whether you choose the classic experience of a traditional sauna or the innovative benefits of an infrared sauna, you’ll be investing in your health, relaxation, and overall well-being.

Explore our collection today to find the perfect sauna for your home and start reaping the benefits of this timeless wellness practice. Visit our online store now and take the first step towards a healthier, more relaxed you!

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